
While every travel opportunity is a gift, adventure can also come at a cost to the environment and communities in each destination. Topi eco-friendly perspective on three key pillars of sustainability eases the burden of over-tourism and lightens our footprint on Mother Earth.

Together with our sustainability partners, we are committed to fight global warming, positively impact social progress, and support local economies through job creation and responsible tourism.

The Environmental Pillar

We work to achieve environmental sustainability through creating processes, systems, and activities that reduce the environmental impact of our adventures. From our zero single use plastic policy to carbon-neutral emissions, our “north star” is to further the transition to a clean-energy future.

The Social Pillar

Travel and Tourism is (indirectly) responsible for as many as 1 in every 10 jobs worldwide. However, travel often has a detrimental ripple effect. Topi  adventures take a socially-responsible approach to tourism, partnering with organizations that combat overtourism, sex trafficking, and commercialization of indigenous cultures.

The Economic Pillar

One of the longest-lasting benefits of travel is economic, from the creation of job opportunities to the distribution of spending within local communities. We ensure that as much as 80% of the price you pay for your holiday stays in-country and gets distributed among the local communities.